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Register for Spring 2025 Little League Baseball!

Dulles Little League Ashburn, Virginia


Welcome to the DLL Coach’s Corner!

This page exists to provide all DLL coaches with valuable information and resources they need to have a successful season.  Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions such as rule interpretations, field status updates, and what is needed to start a game.

The most important resource on this page is the Manager’s Handbook.  ALL DLL managers must read this handbook before starting the season, as it will provide you with essential information you need for the season.  The handbook will also show you how to navigate the DLL website, including how to input scores and pitch counts, which are mandatory for Single A and above.  Because the Handbook contains confidential information about how to access the DLL lockboxes at every field, it is stored on a separate google drive that is only accessible to the managers of the current season.  

If you have any further questions about coaching this season, please feel free to reach out to our coaching and player development coordinator here: 

[email protected].  It is DLL’s goal for all coaches to be successful every season.  

2024 DLL Local Rules - All Divisions (small field)

Manager Trainings

Little League has two required trainings that all managers must complete prior to being eligible to coach.  The Diamond Leader and Abuse Awareness trainings are available at Little League Training Opportunities.  Returning volunteers can login to the training portal, while new users need to create an account first.

diamond leader logo

The Diamond Leader program provides coaches with an understanding of the impact that mental, social, and emotional well-being has in youth sports through detailed information, interactive scenarios, and a variety of additional resources.  Managers are required to complete the program once and will only receive one certificate.  It is strongly encouraged to go back and review the content and resources within the course periodically.

Abuse Awareness Training Course logo
As a part of Little League's Child Protection Program to ensure that all participants have a fun, memorable and safe experience, managers and assistants are required to complete the NEW  Abuse Awareness Training.  This training will be required on an annual basis.

Important Safety Reminders

Managers are reminded of the following:

Junior and Adult Umpires are responsible for the following before and during each game:

  • Pregame: Managers are responsible for ensuring that the bats used by their team are Little League approved.  Bats that are not approved for use by Little League per the most recent Little League bat guidance must be removed from the dugout.
  • Umpires should remind managers to check that all male players are wearing their protective cup.  Male players without a cup should not be permitted to play in the game.  
  • Single A through Seniors Divisions: Junior umpires are not permitted to start or continue a game if there is not an Adult Game Coordinator in close proximity to the field.  Every team should have identified one or more Adult Game Coordinators.  Roles and responsibilities of the Adult Game Coordinator are posted on the front page of the DLL website.
  • Pitchers may only be warmed up by a coach or another player who is wearing, at a minimum, a catcher's mask with throat guard, and of course a protective cup.
  • ALL catcher's masks must have a dangling throat guard.
  • Dugout gates must remain closed during play, and players and equipment must be inside the dugout or at least behind the baseline fence.

If you have questions about any of these regulations, please contact [email protected].  Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

DLL Field Status & Notifications

DLL makes every effort to determine and post field status by 4:00 pm each weekday, and by 8:00 am each weekend day.  This is done after considering Loudoun County's field status which is also determined at about those same times each day.  DLL will cancel activities on fields that have been closed and all team members will receive email notification of the cancelation.

Please use good judgment when deciding whether or not to proceed with a practice on a field that is marked as "Open," particularly on the infield.  Keep in mind that the elementary school fields do not get nearly the same maintenance attention from the County as do some of the other fields such as Crittenden, Farmwell and Tillett. 

Given that many DLL Board members are also coaches, please understand that timely updates to field status based on weather that occurs after 4:15pm on weekdays or after 8:00am on weekend days may not always be possible.

For timely updates from Loudoun County PRCS, visit Loudoun County's Field Status page or visit the Rainout Line to download the app for notifications.

About DLL Field Closures

If a DLL field is closed, the entire field is closed.  Fields are often closed by the County and/or DLL for several days after a rain event due to poor field conditions in the infield and/or outfield, regardless of the current weather.  Using a closed field, even at an elementary school, will not go unnoticed, and it will jeopardize DLL's current and future field allocations, so we have to take these occurrences seriously.

If a DLL field is closed, that does not mean you should move your practice to the adjacent soccer field (which is probably also closed).

DLL is required to submit field safety plans to Little League International.  DLL participants are covered by Little League insurance only if they are practicing/playing on approved fields allocated to DLL.  If you elect to move your practice to a parking lot or other common area, you and your team are participating at your own risk.

We are all anxious to begin practicing and playing games on the fields, but we must strictly adhere to the field closure announcements.  Managers who are found to violate these policies may be suspended, and they may jeopardize their selection as a team manager in subsequent seasons.

Thanks in advance for your help with this issue.


The Little League Coach Resource Center, located at, is a free service created by Little League International.  

All of the content available on the website is maintained by Little League International and supported by a host of content contributors. Another feature of the site is the video presentations, which in many cases, also are available with a printable transcript, making the information portable.

Little League Tee-ball Curriculum - For Tee-ball and Instructional Rookie and Rookie managers

Little League Coach Pitch Program - For Instructional Rookie, Rookie, Single A and above

DLL Coaching Resources - Geared to Tee-ball, Instructional Rookie, Rookie, Single A, and all beginning managers

Little League Rulebook App - ALL managers

Adult Game Coordinator - Roles and Responsibilities

Per Little League regulations, there must be an "Adult Game Coordinator" (AGC) on the field for every Little League game that involves an Umpire (Single A through Seniors divisions).

If there is at least one adult umpire assigned and present at a game, the requirement is met. However, if one or two Junior umpires (younger than 18) are assigned to a game, then the Visiting team is required to provide an AGC. If the Visiting team cannot provide an AGC, then the Home team should provide one, otherwise the game cannot begin or continue.

The link below further describes the roles and responsibilities of the AGC.  All AGC’s must register online as an Adult Game Coordinator via the Register Now! link on the DLL website, and consent to a Little League background check, similar to the background check performed on Team Managers and primary assistant coaches. 

Please contact your team’s manager to express interest in serving as an AGC this season.

Thanks in advance for your assistance in complying with this Little League regulation.

DLL Adult Game Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities


Be sure to include your team ID (e.g., J1, 401, 301, 201, R1, IR2, TB3) for any team-specific requests, including any future schedule requests.


Team managers should carry a completed Medical Release form and LCPS Student Athlete Concussion Guidelines form with them at all DLL events for each player on their team. Blank versions of these forms are available by clicking on the above links, and should be collected from all players at the team’s first practice.

Catchers Interference Explained

Catcher's interference is called when the catcher physically hinders the batter's opportunity to legally swing at a pitched ball. This occurs most often when a catcher squats too close to home plate, so that the batter's bat touches the catcher's glove as the batter swings. This is most likely to happen on attempted steals where the catcher is anxious to catch the ball as soon as possible and may move his entire body or glove forward a bit.

In this case, play continues, and after continuous playing action ceases, the umpire will call time. The penalty here is that the batter is awarded first base, any runner attempting to steal is awarded that base, and all other runners advance only if forced. Additionally, the catcher is charged with an error (although the batter is not charged with an at-bat). However, if the actual playing result is more advantageous than the penalty, the offense may elect to ignore the infraction (e.g., if the batter-runner reaches first safely and all other runners advance at least one base, catcher's interference is ignored by rule).

Under high school (NFHS) rules only, catcher's interference is instead called catcher's obstruction.


All managers are asked to review the following linked articles regarding calling fair and foul balls.

Fair Ball definition

Foul Ball definition


Fair or Foul

After asking around the league, it is amazing how many people get some of these rules interpreted incorrectly (including experienced managers and umpires).


Each season, there is usually some confusion over base running rules for Single A games.

Here are the local base running rules as posted on the DLL website, along with some examples. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Runners may advance one base on an overthrow at their own risk with only one advance on the same play per runner - regardless of the number of overthrows per play. A "play" is complete when the ball is in the possession and control of a defensive player in the infield.

Example: The batter hits a ground ball to short. The shortstop overthrows
1st base, and the runner proceeds to 2nd. The 1st baseman throws to 2nd and
throws it into left field. The runner may not advance to 3rd. If he
attempts to advance and is thrown out, he is ruled out; if he safely reaches
3rd, the umpire must instruct him to return to 2nd.

Runners may not advance on an overthrow while attempting to steal. This
includes overthrows on the return throw to the pitcher.

Example: Runner on 1st. The pitch gets behind the catcher, and the runner
takes 2nd. The catcher throws the ball into center field. The runner may
not advance to 3rd. If he attempts to advance and is thrown out, he is
ruled out; if he safely reaches 3rd, the umpire must instruct him to return
to 2nd. The intent is to encourage catchers to make the throw rather than
safely holding the ball. In other words, it is a free throw for the catcher
with no risk.

Runners may not begin an attempt to steal once the ball has left the
catcher's hand on the return throw to the pitcher (e.g. no "delayed
steals"). The runner may, however, attempt to steal if the catcher is
making a play on the runner (e.g. pick-off attempt rather than a return
throw to the pitcher).

Example 1: Runner on 1st. The ball gets past the catcher but the runner
does not make a move to advance despite three coaches and 9 adults in the
stands yelling for him to run. The catcher tosses the ball back to the
pitcher, and finally the runner begins to run. If he is thrown out, he is
ruled out; if he reaches safely, the umpire must instruct the runner to
return to 1st.

Example 2: Runners on 1st and 2nd. The ball gets past the catcher and the
runner from 2nd advances to 3rd, but the runner from 1st holds his base.
The catcher throws down to 3rd and the throw goes into left field. The
runner on 3rd may not attempt to score, but the runner on 1st may attempt to
advance to 2nd since he has not already advanced and the catcher made a play on the runner.

Runners may not advance to the next base once the ball is in the possession
and control of a defensive player in the infield. If a runner is tagged out
during any such attempted advance, the out stands. However, if the runner
safely advances to the next base, the umpire should return the runner to the
previous base. A runner may attempt to advance to the next base if such
attempt began prior to the defensive player gaining possession and control
of the ball in the infield.

Example 1: Runner on 1st. The batter hits the ball into right field. The
right fielder throws the ball back into the infield but it is missed by the
infielder and the ball rolls across the infield. Both the runner from 1st
and the batter may attempt to advance another base, and as many bases as
they can get before an infielder finally comes into possession of the ball.
If, after possessing the ball, the infielder makes a play on a runner and
commits an overthrow, the runners may advance one (and only one) more base.

Example 2: Runner on 1st. The batter hits a ground ball to short and the
shortstop tosses it to 2nd, but the 2nd baseman drops the throw and it rolls
away. This is considered the same as an overthrow and the runner may
attempt to advance to 3rd, although this is a bit aggressive for Single-A
level of play. While legal, it is recommended we show good sportsmanship
and teach fundamental base running rather than advancing a base with the
implication that you don't think the defense can execute the throw and tag
at 3rd properly. On the flip side, we should be teaching our infielders to
be alert for this type of situation and stress the need to be able to
execute the play properly as we get deeper into the season. Bottom line:
let's teach good fundamental baseball rather than "what we can get away
with" in a Single-A game.

Runners are not permitted to steal home. Runners are not permitted to steal
during coach pitched innings.

These are self-explanatory. The same rule about attempting to advance when
not permitted to do so apply here (if tagged out, the out stands; if safe,
return to the previous base).


Lineup and batting order spreadsheets are available for download on this page. These will likely be of greatest value to managers at the T-Ball Instructional Rookie, and Rookie divisions.   

These spreadsheets were provided to us by managers from previous DLL seasons.  Please note that these spreadsheets are provided "as-is", and that they are not maintained by DLL. 

If you have other lineup spreadsheets or programs that are freely distributable that you'd like to share, or if you make modifications/enhancements to these programs that others may benefit from, please send those files to the DLL webmaster [email protected] for posting on the web.

TBall and IR Lineups

Rookie Lineups

A and AA Lineups

DLL Lineup Spreadsheet

Scorepad 9 innings

DLL Team Responsibility Roster
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