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Dulles Little League Ashburn, Virginia

Volunteers - The Soul of DLL!

Why Should I Become a DLL Volunteer?

Dulles Little League relies on a devoted legion of adult volunteers to help ensure that the organization remains structured and runs smoothly.  We are always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate our events and activities.  ALL parents of children involved in Little League Baseball are strongly encouraged to volunteer. 

As a parent volunteer, you have the opportunity to spend quality time with your child in a safe, fun-filled environment. Oftentimes, parent and child social lives parallel each other. Volunteering allows your life and your child’s life to intersect on common ground, with shared interests and goals.

No experience is required to become a volunteer. Most of the volunteer opportunities require little or no training.  The best volunteers are those who are able to bring added enjoyment to the game simply by being themselves. What you see during Little League games is a mere fraction of what you can do as a volunteer.

You don’t get to volunteer quite like this anywhere else!

Coaching Opportunities

Team Manager or Assistant Coach

Being a Team Manager or Assistant Coach requires time, patience, and a basic knowledge of the game. You may be required to attend a preseason meeting, instructional sessions, or seminars. You will communicate with the parents/guardians of your players to keep them informed of all League events, practices and games.

The Team Manager is the head coach and is ultimately responsible for the team. The manager drafts the team (Single A through Seniors divisions during a Spring season), plans and runs the practices, organizes team volunteers (assistant coaches, team parents, scorekeeper, etc.), coaches the team, and is the primary contact between the league and the team.

An Assistant Coach helps the Team Manager coach the team and performs any other duties assigned by the Team Manager. A Team Manager can recruit as many coaches as needed, but there may only be two assistant coaches with the Team Manager in the dugout during a game.

Team Manager and Assistant Coaches applicants should login to their DLL account and click "Volunteer" on their account page. Team Manager applicants will be notified prior to the season if they have been selected to manage a team.  Assistant coaches will be selected by managers, or assigned by DLL to teams based on need, division, and availability.

Key Volunteer Roles

These following volunteer roles are available during registration for our Spring and Fall Seasons. When your register your ballplayer, you will have the opportunity to volunteer for one of these positions.  The team manager will select individuals for key volunteer positions within the first week of practice.  If you have been selected by your manager to a key volunteer role, please fill out this Key Volunteer Registration form.

Adult Game Coordinator (Single A divisions and above)

The Adult Game Coordinator is a key volunteer position that is required for every game whenever there is NOT an adult umpire present. Each team must have at least one. The Adult Game Coordinator must be present at the pre-game plate meeting as well as the entire game. They will help to oversee the conduct of coaches, players and parents as well as help monitor and enforce any weather related delays or cancellations.

Opening Day Volunteer (Spring Season only)

Each Spring DLL team is required to have one Opening Day Volunteer.  This person will report to Crittenden Park on the day of the Opening Day Festival (4/13/24) to assist DLL as needed for a few hours.  Click here for the sign up genius, and it will also be emailed to you prior to the event so you can pick a time and role that works for you.

Some opening day roles are: 
-  staging area prep
-  parade route or parking monitor
-  backyard games monitor
-  concession stand helper
-  clean up

DLL Discount Card Coordinator (Spring Season only)

Each Spring DLL team is required to have one Discount Card Coordinator.  DLL's Discount Card program is the primary fundraiser for our league.  We use the money from the cards that are sold to maintain and improve our property at Parsells field, pay bills, supply chalk and equipment at other fields, pay umpires, purchase player’s equipment, baseballs, etc.  This role requires that you distribute the Discount Cards to each player on your team to be sold at the beginning of the season.  Towards the end of the season, you will collect the money from the sold cards, and any unsold cards from your team, and turn them into DLL's Discount Card Coordinator.

Nats Day Coordinator (Spring Season only)

Each Spring DLL team is required to have one DLL Nationals Day Coordinator.  This person is the liaison for information flow between their team and DLL.  All of the ticket orders and money collection will be done online, but you will have to pick up your team’s tickets at Crittenden once available, and distribute them to your team.  Coordinating this event does not mean that you have to attend the game at Nationals Park.

Other Essential Volunteers

Special Events Coordinator (Spring Season Only)

DLL Player Evaluations (Tryouts), Opening Day, Picture Day, and Nationals Day are just a few of the Spring special events that you can get involved with.  This person would help to organize the events as well as contact and organize the volunteers. The Event Coordinator often utilizes Sign Up Genius to organize the volunteers for that event.

Player Evaluations Helper (Spring Season Only)

DLL conducts player evaluations for about 500 players each January and February.  The player evaluations will run most smoothly as long as we have enough registered volunteers.  Volunteer registration for specific Player Evaluation dates and times is available early January.  There will be a sign up genius emailed to you prior to the evaluations where you will be able to select a time and role that works for you.  See below for an overview of the available volunteer roles.

Volunteer Role



Register players and give them their evaluation numbers


Lead stretching and other drills


Pitch during hitting evaluations

Hitting Assistant

Organize and call out hitters

Pitching Assistant

Organize and call out pitchers


Throw grounders and fly balls, and catch return throws


Player who catches pitching tryouts


DLL is always looking for individuals interested in helping DLL acquire league sponsors and supporting other fundraising activities such as the DLL Discount Card program. 

Team Parent

A team parent is someone who wants to help out with the team any way he/she can. They can help out during practices, line the field before games, monitor the dugout during games, volunteer to umpire the field when necessary, be the scorekeeper, etc.
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